You cannot believe how excited I was to get this opportunity. I was SOOOO excited beyond belief to FINALLY get the chance to take photos of these two dear people. They have both become people I love very much and think about so often! We’ve known them for 7 YEARS already! Isn’t that crazy? This was the FIRST TIME we took photos – and I hope it won’t be the last time!
Jamie and Jeff were the very first couple we befriended when we moved here to San Diego. We were the token Chinese people at Shadow Mountain Community Church and Jeff was itching to talk to someone in Chinese! Shame on us because his Chinese was and still is 10 times better than ours. But that wasn’t where our similarities stopped. Jamie was also pregnant with her first – a boy. And we were also having our first son too. SOOOO, she and I were both pregnant with our first together – only weeks apart.
My first pregnancy and experience of raising our first child was soooo awesome because I had someone to share every single moment with. Even to the point of doing nursing sessions together – just so we could have some heart to heart time. And fast forward 7 years. We both have two boys! But, we beat them by one by having a little girl. 🙂 Still now though, they are people so close to our hearts and, to me, a second family away from home. We love them SOOO much and our kids grew up together. Time with them is always sweet and we couldn’t have asked for better people to do life with.
This beautiful couple deserves these photos more than anyone else. They both are the most beautiful people and I am so terribly privilege to be one of their friends. I could go to lengths about each of them being the most awesome person, but that would take forever. But without a doubt, there probably isn’t a single person, who call them friends, who would object or refute the fact that they are one of the most God-loving, Christ-centered, sweetest and beautiful couples in this world. I have not met another pair like them and I can’t imagine I will ever find another pair like them.
So, without further ado, Jeff and Jamie.
I love you two SOOO much!

She is the sister I never had and I’m glad to journey through life with her nearby!
Oh my gosh! This story is so sweet! You captured them beautifully!
So sweet! They are beautiful together!
Absolutely lovely!! The mountains in the background are amazing!!!