Baby girl’s second birthday!
Time goes by too quickly when your little baby girl, turns 2 yo! Where has the time gone?
I still remember, so vividly, when I held her in my arms for the first time. It felt like a dream!

“The Huangs will never have a girl!” – FIL
It’s especially difficult to imagine because no one believed it would be possible to have a girl in the first place! It’s difficult to imagine because your father-in-law once said, with seeming finality, that it was impossible for their family to have a girl. And, honestly, we believed what he said. Two generations of boys. There were no girls in the family. It seemed hopeless.
Well, when we got our ultrasound and they said it was a girl, we doubted. When we got a second ultrasound – 3D mind you – we still weren’t 100% convinced. We didn’t want to believe it because it was such a big dream – especially for me. I had dreamed, since a child, to have a girl someday. To think it actually came true, defying all odds, it was hard to believe. Especially having had 2 boys, we were actually done and then “oops!”.

IT wasn’t until the day that we held her in our arms that we finally believed and realized “oh my gosh, we really have a baby girl”.

And now look at her, she’s two!
It’s been a rough 3 months, but we made it! It was last-minute planning, but we have amazing friends and so we had a small party for her!
I wrote this as a letter to her.. one day, hopefully, she’ll probably read it.
To my baby girl…
We love you so much! It’s been a crazy 2 years – with so many ups and downs. You came to us when we thought it was impossible to ever have a girl. You came to us, even though, so often, I feel like we didn’t deserve you or the fact that God gifted you to us when we were struggling so badly to be parents at all. You came to us, hard-headed and firm on your feet, ready to challenge us every step of the way.
But despite all the restless nights and the lack of sleep through these past 2 years, we love you so much! Your laughter is contagious and everyone that sees you can’t help but love you and think you are the sweetest thing ever. And you are! Your random hugs and kisses. Your sweet snuggles. But most of all, your smile, laughs, giggles and random acts of kindness that shows us just how blessed we are to have you.
I can’t imagine life without you. Although I know I’m not as patient with you as I should – and sadly you have that same patience – you are my little girl and I love you SOOO much! No matter what, I will always love you and I hope that you will always know that I will be on your side – doing my best to protect you and teach you how to love life – even with all its bumps and bruises.
We love you, Aubrey Zhenru Huang – with all your emotions (a lot of it), sassiness, independence and strong opinions and personality. And your middle name was your father’s hope for you. That you will be strong and wise beyond your years. You have definitely displayed a weird understanding of things and at odd times shown yourself to understand all too well how this world is working – even though you are only 2 yo!
You are my treasure! And with that, HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY! 🙂 May you, hopefully, enjoy every moment in the sunshine!